Thursday, July 24, 2008: Well today was just another “normal” day in the life of pre-production. “Normal” being the operative word. But in the crazy world that is film production, normal is a good word. Today, we signed our line-producer. A big step. And even bigger since he’s a Green Bay resident. Thad Roentiz. Like me, Thad lived in LA for many years but returned home to be closer to his roots and family. Thad’s a good guy and we’re all looking forward to working with him on Nephilim. Yesterday, Danny Wilson (the director), Michelle Hammond (the UPM) and I drove to Milwaukee to secure a couple locations as well as hire our Set Designer – David Krummel. David just finished working on the Johnny Depp movie “Public Enemies.” He’s a real pro and like Thad, a Wisconsin resident. Welcome aboard David! So all is moving along nicely as the pieces are falling in place as they should.
Here’s hoping tomorrow is just another “normal” day…
Jay Schillinger